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Language/Type: Java classes instance methods
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Add the following method to the BankAccount class:

public String toString()

Your method should return a string that contains the account's name and balance separated by a comma and space. For example, if an account object named benben has the name "Benson" and a balance of 17.25, the call of benben.toString() should return:

Benson, $17.25

There are some special cases you should handle. If the balance is negative, put the - sign before the dollar sign. Also, always display the cents as a two-digit number. For example, if the same object had a balance of -17.5, your method should return:

Benson, -$17.50

Your code is being added to the following class:

public class BankAccount {
    private String name;
    private double balance;
    // your code goes here
Partial class: Write code that will become part of an existing class as described. You do not need to write the complete class, just the portion described in the exercise.

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