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Author: Allison Obourn (on 2020/09/14)

Write a program named imdb that allows the user to search the top 250 IMDB movies for a phrase and outputs movies containing that phrase and the total number of movies that match.

Read data from the file imdb.txt. Each line of this file contains information about a different movie. The lines are in the format rank rating votes name. See example lines below:

1 9.1 196376 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
2 9.0 139085 The Godfather: Part II (1974)
3 8.8 81507 Casablanca (1942)

Your code should displays results in the following format:

Search word? part
Rank    Votes   Rating  Title
2       139085  9.0     The Godfather: Part II (1974)
40      129172  8.5     The Departed (2006)
95      20401   8.2     The Apartment (1960)
192     30587   8.0     Spartacus (1960)
4 matches.
Function: Write a C function as described, not a complete program.

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