Write a method named RemovePalindromes
that that removes all strings that are palindromes from an array of strings.
Your method accepts an array of strings as a parameter and modifies its contents, replacing every string in the array that is a palindrome with an empty string, ""
For example, if an array named a
stores the following element values:
string[] a = {"Madam", "raceCAR", "", "hi", "A", "Abba", "banana", "dog God",
"STOP otto POTS", "Madame", "C#", "LevEL", "staTS"};
Then the call of RemovePalindromes(a);
should change it to contain the following element values.
Notice that the palindromes from the array such as "Madam"
and "LevEL"
have been replaced by ""
{"", "", "", "hi", "", "banana", "", "", "Madame", "C#", "", ""}
You are to modify the existing array in-place.
Do not create any other data structures such as temporary arrays.
You may create as many strings as you like, and you may use as many simple variables (such as int
s) as you like.
Note: You may want to go solve the string problem isPalindrome
first and use it as part of your solution to this problem.