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Language/Type: C# classes fields instance methods
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Suppose that you are provided with a pre-written class Clock as described below, where a Clock object represents an hour:minute time during the day or night, such as 10:45 AM or 6:27 PM. Assume that the fields, constructor, properties, and methods shown are already implemented. You may refer to them or use them in solving this problem if necessary.

member name type description
new Clock(hour, minute, amPm) constructor constructs a new clock representing the given time
clock.Hour property the hour as an integer, from 1-12 (read-only)
clock.Minute property the minute as an integer, from 00-59 (read-only)
clock.AmPm property the AM or PM, as a string of either "AM" or "PM" (read-only)
clock.ToString() method returns a string representation such as "10:07 PM"
clock.Equals(other) method returns true if two clocks represent the same time

Write an instance method named Advance that will be placed inside the Clock class to become a part of each Clock object's behavior. The advance method accepts a number of minutes as its parameter and moves your object forward in time by that amount of minutes. The minutes passed could be any non-negative number, even a large number such as 500 or 1000000. If necessary, your object might wrap into the next hour or day, or it might wrap from the morning ("AM") to the evening ("PM") or vice versa. A Clock object doesn't care about what day it is; if you advance by 1 minute from 11:59 PM, it becomes 12:00 AM.

For example, if the following object is declared in client code:

Clock time = new Clock(6, 27, "PM");

The following calls to your method would modify the object's state as indicated in the comments:

time.Advance(1);       //  6:28 PM
time.Advance(30);      //  6:58 PM
time.Advance(5);       //  7:03 PM
time.Advance(60);      //  8:03 PM
time.Advance(128);     // 10:11 PM
time.Advance(180);     //  1:11 AM
time.Advance(1440);    //  1:11 AM  (1 day later)
time.Advance(21075);   //  4:26 PM  (2 weeks later)

Assume that the state of the object is valid at the start of the call and that the amPm field stores either "AM" or "PM".

Partial class: Write code that will become part of an existing class as described. You do not need to write the complete class, just the portion described in the exercise.

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