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Author: Mehran Sahami (on 2017/05/17)

Define a class named Student. A Student object represents a university student that, for simplicity, just has a name, ID number, and number of units earned towards graduation. Each Student object should have the following public behavior:

  • new Student(name, id)
    Constructor that initializes a new Student object storing the given name and ID number, with 0 units.
  • s.getName()
    Returns the name, ID, or unit count of the student, respectively.
  • s.incrementUnits(units);
    Adds the given number of units to this student's unit count.
  • s.hasEnoughUnits()
    Returns whether the student has enough units (180) to graduate.
  • s.toString()
    Returns the student's string representation, e.g. "Nick (#42342)".
Class: Write a complete Java class.

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