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Define a class named TimeSpan. A TimeSpan object stores a span of time in hours and minutes (for example, the time span between 8:00am and 10:30am is 2 hours, 30 minutes). Each TimeSpan object should have the following public methods:

  • new TimeSpan(hours, minutes)
    Constructs a TimeSpan object storing the given time span of hours and minutes.
  • getHours()
    Returns the number of hours in this time span.
  • getMinutes()
    Returns the number of minutes in this time span, between 0 and 59.
  • add(hours, minutes)
    Adds the given amount of time to the span. For example, (2 hours, 15 min) + (1 hour, 45 min) = (4 hours). Assume that the parameters are valid: the hours are non-negative, and the minutes are between 0 and 59.
  • add(timespan)
    Adds the given amount of time (stored as a time span) to the current time span.
  • getTotalHours()
    Returns the total time in this time span as the real number of hours, such as 9.75 for (9 hours, 45 min).
  • toString()
    Returns a string representation of the time span of hours and minutes, such as "28h46m".

The minutes should always be reported as being in the range of 0 to 59. That means that you may have to "carry" 60 minutes into a full hour.

Class: Write a complete Java class.

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