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Language/Type: Java parameters Random

Suppose that the following variable has been declared:

Random rand = new Random();

Fill in the boxes to produce expressions that will generate random numbers in the provided ranges. Create an expression of the form:

rand.nextInt(a) * b + c

For example, to create a random integer from 1 to 5 inclusive, you'd write, rand.nextInt(5) + 1.

from 0 to 3 inclusive: a =
from 5 to 10 inclusive: a =
from 5 to 10 inclusive: c =
from -4 to 4 inclusive: a =
from -4 to 4 inclusive: c =
a random even integer from 16 to 28 inclusive: a =
a random even integer from 16 to 28 inclusive: b =
a random even integer from 16 to 28 inclusive: c =

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