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Language/Type: JavaScript if/else console output
Author: Melissa Hovik (on 2016/09/25)

Write a function named rockPaperScissors that takes two parameters: a string representing a first player's move in a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors and a string representing a second player's move. Depending on each player's move, the function should output to the console the winner of the round if there was a winner, a tie if both players had the same move, or whether a player gave an invalid move. When comparing moves, letter-casing does not matter ("rock" should be considered the same move as "rOcK").

The two-player game of Rock-Paper-Scissors works as following:

  • Each player chooses one of three moves: "rock", "paper", or "scissors"
  • A move of "rock" wins over another player's move of "scissors"
  • A move of "scissors" wins over another player's move of "paper"
  • A move of "paper" wins over another player's move of "rock"
  • If two players use the same move, the result is a tie

For example, a call of rockPaperScissors("rock", "scissors") would result in console output of "Player 1 wins!". A call of rockPaperScissors("ROCK", "Paper") would result in console output of "Player 2 wins!". A call of rockPaperScissors("SCISSORS", "Scissors") would result in console output of "TIE!". If one player gives a move other than "rock", "paper", or "scissors", the console output should be "Invalid move of [player's invalid move]!", where you should replace [player's invalid move] with the exact value passed by that player. If both players pass invalid moves, the console output should be "Invalid moves of [player 1's invalid move] and [player 2's invalid move]!".

Function: Write a JavaScript function as described, not a complete program.

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