Write a function named to_morse_code
that converts strings into their Morse code equivalents.
Morse code is a mapping from each character from A-Z to a sequence of dots and dashes.
For example, the string "SOS"
could be represented in Morse code as '... -= 1- ...'
Your function accepts two parameters:
a dictionary from one-letter strings to strings representing their Morse encodings, and a String
of text to convert.
Assume that the provided client code builds a dictionary from individual text characters to their Morse code equivalents.
For example, the key 'A'
maps to ".-"
Your function accepts such a map, and a string to be converted, and should prout the Morse code equivalent of the given string to the console.
For example, if the letter to Morse code map is stored in a variable called mapping
, the call of to_morse_code(mapping, "SOS TITANIC")
should print the following console output:
... -= 1- ... - .. - .- -. .. -.-.
Note that the string might contain some characters that are not A-Z letters (like spaces) just skip those characters.
You may assume that the mapping passed contains a mapping for every letter from A-Z in uppercase.
Do not modify the letter map that is passed in.