Write a console program that implements a simple 1-player dice game called "Piglet" (based on the game "Pig").
The player's goal is to accumulate as many points as possible without rolling a 1.
Each turn, the player rolls the die if they roll a 1, the game ends and they get a score of 0.
Otherwise, they add this number to their running total score.
The player then chooses whether to roll again, or end the game with their current pototal.
Here is an example dialogue where the user plays until rolling a 1, which ends the game with 0 points:
Welcome to Piglet!
You rolled a 5
Roll again? yes
You rolled a 4
Roll again? yes
You rolled a 1
You got 0 points.
Here is another example dialogue where the user stops early and gets to end the game with 10 points:
Welcome to Piglet!
You rolled a 6
Roll again? y
You rolled a 2
Roll again? y
You rolled a 2
Roll again? n
You got 10 points.
(Because this problem uses random numbers, it is difficult to exactly match the expected output.
To match our output, you must use random.randint
to generate random numbers between 1 and the max.)