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Language/Type: Python expressions %
Author: Allison Obourn (on 2019/07/08)

Evaluate the following expressions and give their resulting values. Make sure to give a value of the appropriate type (such as including a .0 at the end of a float).

abs(2 + -4)
math.pow(6, 2)
math.pow(5 // 2, 6)
max(7, 4)
min(8, 3 + 2)
min(-2, -5)
math.sqrt(76 + 45)
100 + math.log10(100)
13 + abs(-7) - math.pow(2, 3) + 5
math.sqrt(16) * max(abs(-5), abs(-3))
7 - 2 + math.log10(1000) + math.log(math.pow(math.E, 5))
max(18 - 5, math.ceil(4.6 * 3))

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