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You are working on problem set: Unit 4 ( Pause)


Language/Type: Java recursion string return

Write a recursive method named digitsSorted that takes an integer as a parameter and returns true if the digits of the integer are sorted and false otherwise. The digits must be sorted in non-decreasing order (i.e. increasing order with duplicate digits allowed) when read from left to right. An integer that consists of a single digit is sorted by definition. The method should be also able to handle negative numbers. Negative numbers are also considered sorted if their digits are in non-decreasing order.

The following table shows several calls to your method and their expected return values:

Call Value Returned
digitsSorted(0) true
digitsSorted(2345) true
digitsSorted(-2345) true
digitsSorted(22334455) true
digitsSorted(-5) true
digitsSorted(4321) false
digitsSorted(24378) false
digitsSorted(21) false
digitsSorted(-33331) false

Constraints: Do not declare any global variables. Do not use any loops; you must use recursion. Do not use any auxiliary data structures like ArrayList, TreeMap, TreeSet, array, etc. Also do not solve this problem using a string. You can declare as many primitive variables like ints as you like. You are allowed to define other "helper" methods if you like; they are subject to these same constraints.

Method: Write a Java method as described, not a complete program or class.

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