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You are working on problem set: Unit 4 ( Pause)


Language/Type: Java recursion streams file input
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Write a recursive method named reverseLines that accepts a file Scanner as its parameter and prints the lines of that file in reverse order. For example, if an input file named poem.txt contains the following text:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
All my base
Are belong to you.

Then the call of reverseLines(new Scanner(new File("poem.txt"))); should produce the following console output:

Are belong to you.
All my base
Violets are blue.
Roses are red,

You may assume that the input file exists and is readable.

Constraints: Your solution should read the file only once, not make multiple passes over the file data. Your method must be recursive.

Method: Write a Java method as described, not a complete program or class.

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