Main Page → Exercises → C++
Click a category below to view its available exercises.
C++ (725)
- Programming practice in C++, mostly at a CS1 and CS2 (first and second course) introductory level.
algorithms (22)
- These are miscellaneous problems involving various concepts and algorithms. These are intentionally not categorized by concepts (such as array, string, list, tree, recursion, etc.) so that you must consider for yourself the best way to solve the problem. This category might be useful when studying for a coding interview.
- baggageColors
- baggageColors2
- binaryBoarding
- binaryBoarding2
- compressString
- largestNumber
- longestUniqueString
- minSubrange
- isPermutation
- nextPermutation
- passports
- passports2
- sortThree
- sumCubes
- sumOf2020
- sum3Of2020
- surveys
- surveys2
- threeSum
- toboggan
- toboggan2
- validPasswords
- validPasswords2
arrays (27)
- arrayMystery
- arrayMystery2
- arrayMystery3
- arrayMysteryExam2
- arrayMysteryExam4
- arrayMysteryExam6
- banish
- collapsePairs
- computeAverage
- contains
- countDuplicates
- countUnique
- findMedian
- findRange
- getPercentEven
- hasMirrorTwice
- indexOf
- longestSortedSequence
- maxValue
- mystery1
- mystery2
- numUnique
- removePalindromes
- secondIndexOf
- sorted
- switchPairs
backtracking (36)
- canBalance
- canInterleave
- canMakeSum
- canPack
- chainExists
- combin
- contains
- crack
- cryptaSolver
- diceRolls
- diceSum
- diceSum2
- divide
- isElementSpellable
- isMeasurable
- knapsack
- knightsTour
- largestSum
- listTwiddles
- longestCommonSubsequence
- longestRepeatedSubsequence
- makeChange
- maxSum
- numberPuzzle
- partitionable
- permute
- phoneWords
- printAllBinary
- printAllDecimal
- printSquares
- printSubVectors
- rodCutting
- solveQueens
- squishWord
- waysToAverage
- waysToClimb
- weave
big-oh (14)
bit algorithms (10)
classes and objects (3)
collections (76)
- Using pre-existing collections from the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
map (21)
set (8)
stack and queue (22)
vector (25)
- addStars
- collectionMystery1
- collectionMystery4
- countInRange
- cumulative
- findKeithNumbers
- histogram
- indexOfAll
- intersect
- isKeithNumber
- largestRectangleArea
- mean
- mostWater
- productOfOthers
- removeAll
- removeBadPairs
- removeConsecutiveDuplicates
- removeEvenLength
- reverse
- reverseFirstK
- stretch
- switchPairs
- vectorMystery1
- vectorMysteryInsert
- vectorMysteryRemove
SPL collections (118)
- Using collections from the Stanford Portable Library (SPL). We recommend using the exercises from the 'collections' category rather than this one unless you are a Stanford student using their custom libraries.
Vector (25)
- addStars
- collectionMystery1
- collectionMystery4
- countInRange
- cumulative
- findKeithNumbers
- histogram
- indexOfAll
- intersect
- isKeithNumber
- largestRectangleArea
- mean
- mostWater
- productOfOthers
- removeAll
- removeBadPairs
- removeConsecutiveDuplicates
- removeEvenLength
- reverse
- reverseFirstK
- stretch
- switchPairs
- vectorMystery1
- vectorMysteryInsert
- vectorMysteryRemove
Grid (14)
Stack and Queue (22)
Set (8)
Map (21)
PriorityQueue (1)
Graph (27)
- assignGroups
- bipartiteSets
- colorGraph
- containsBidiPath
- coolest
- findDominatingSet
- findEulerPath
- findHamiltonPath
- findLongestPath
- findMinimumVertexCover
- graphProperties1
- graphProperties2
- graphProperties3
- graphProperties4
- graphProperties5
- graphProperties6
- graphPropertiesExam1
- graphPropertiesExam2
- hasClique
- holidayShopping
- isConnected
- isDominatingSet
- isReachable
- kthLevelFriends
- maxIndependentSet
- popular
- tournamentWinners
collection implementation (158)
- Implementing your own C++ collection classes.
stack and queue (3)
set (1)
array lists (6)
- These exercises involve implementing a growable list of integer elements backed by an array.
- filter
- longestSortedSubsequence
- maxCount
- mirror
- removeDuplicates
- stretch
linked lists ListNode (22)
- Linked list exercises using pointers to a list node structure. These exercises involve modifying short sequences of nodes.
- 12-123
- 12-312
- 1234-2431
- 12-34-1342
- 12-34-1324
- 123-2-13
- 543-345
- 543-35-435
- 1-234-412-3
- 15-234-412-3
- 123-456-5342
- 12-34-41-23
- 1234-32-41
- 123-45-41-235
- 123-456-2614
- 123-45-4-253
- 1-23-32-14
- 12-345-32415
- 123-45-251-34
- 12-345-532-61
- 12-345-514-263
- 12rest34-5678-61rest3-2475
linked lists ptr (50)
- Linked list exercises using pointers to a list node structure.
- linkedListMystery1
- linkedListMystery2
- linkedListMystery3
- linkedListMystery4
- linkedListMystery5
- linkedListMystery11
- addBack
- addFront
- braid
- chopBothSides
- clump
- combineDuplicates
- consume
- contains
- countDuplicates
- countDuplicateStrings
- deleteBack
- doubleList
- eliminateFromRing
- expand
- getValue
- insert
- intersection
- isEmpty
- isSorted
- isSortedBy
- merge
- mergeUpTo
- middle
- min
- partitionSort
- printTargetRing
- remove
- removeAll
- removeAllThreshold
- removeBack
- removeFront
- removeRange
- reverse
- rotate
- setValue
- size
- split
- stutter
- surround
- switchEvens
- switchPairsOfPairs
- toString
- transferEvens
linked lists LinkedIntList (19)
- Linked list exercises using a linked list class and list node structure. These are more object-oriented than the pointer versions in the previous category.
- chopBothSides
- combineDuplicates
- consume
- countDuplicates
- deleteBack
- doubleList
- expand
- isSorted
- isSortedBy
- mergeUpTo
- min
- partitionSort
- removeAll
- removeRange
- reverse
- rotate
- split
- stutter
- transferEvens
binary trees ptr (34)
- Binary tree exercises using pointers to a tree node structure.
- completeToLevel
- completeToLevelString
- contains
- countLeftNodes
- hasPath
- height
- houseOfTudor
- isBalanced
- isBST
- isConsecutive
- levelTraversal
- limitLeaves
- limitPathSum
- makeFull
- printSideways
- range
- removeEveryKthLeaf
- removeFile
- removeLeaves
- removeMatchingLeaves
- sequential
- size
- stretch
- swapChildrenAtLevel
- tighten
- traversal1
- traversal2
- traversal3
- traversalsA
- traversalsB
- wordExists
- zigzagTraversal
- zip
binary search trees (BSTs) (8)
heaps (7)
- Exercises related to a binary min-heap.
- heapAddRemove0
- heapAddRemove1
- heapAddRemove2
- heapAddRemove6
- heapAddRemove7
- heapAddRemove8
- atLevel
hashing (8)
dynamic programming (14)
expressions (15)
if else (7)
inheritance (17)
- polymorphismMystery1
- polymorphismMystery2
- polymorphismMystery3
- polymorphismMystery4
- polymorphismMystery5
- polymorphismMystery6
- polymorphismMystery7
- polymorphismMystery8
- polymorphismMystery9
- polymorphismMystery10
- polymorphismMystery11
- polymorphismMysteryHamburger
- MemoryCalculator
- PancakeStack
- RiggedDice
- SortedStack
- UndoStack
input output streams (16)
loops (28)
- armstrongNumbers
- asciiFigure
- biggestAndSmallest
- book
- book2
- computeSumOfDigits
- fibonacci
- fizzBuzz
- floydsTriangle
- GuessingGame
- Guess2D
- loopMysteryExam1
- loopMysteryExam3
- loopMysteryExam5
- loopMysteryPrint1
- nthDigit
- numberLoops1
- numberLoops2
- numberLoops3
- numberSquare
- rangeOfNumbers
- sentinelSum
- sqrt
- starsPrint
- rocket
- rocket2
- spaceNeedle
- spaceNeedle2
parameters and returns (35)
- averageOf3
- binaryToDecimal
- Birthday
- boxOfStars
- circleArea
- coinFlip
- computeDistance
- daysInMonth
- decimalToBinary
- digitCount
- factorCount
- factorial
- fitnessGoal
- Grades
- investment
- isMultiple
- isPrimeNumber
- parameterMystery2
- parameterMystery6
- parameterMystery13
- parameterMystery19sp3
- parameterMysteryBCA
- printPay
- Projectile
- quadratic
- referenceParameterMystery1
- referenceParameterMystery2
- returnMystery1
- showTwos
- sumOfDigits
- sumOfRange
- threeConsecutive
- triangle
- xkcdDatingRange
pointers (10)
programming basics (17)
recursion (61)
- collapseSequences
- combin
- countDuplicates
- countOccurrences
- countToBy
- crawl
- digitsSorted
- digitSum
- editDistance
- evaluateMathExpression
- evenDigits
- factorial
- gcd
- hanoi
- indexOf
- isPalindrome
- isSubsequence
- largestDigit
- lettersOnly
- longestRun
- matchCount
- mergeDigitPairs
- moveToEnd
- nonMatching
- numberSequence
- power
- printBinary
- printRange
- printStars
- recursionMystery1
- recursionMystery1X
- recursionMystery2
- recursionMystery2X
- recursionMystery348
- recursionMystery3
- recursionMystery4
- recursionMystery4X
- recursionMystery5
- recursionMystery648
- recursionMystery6
- recursionMystery7
- recursionMystery8
- recursionMystery9
- recursionMystery10
- recursionMystery11
- recursionMystery12
- recursionMystery13
- recursionMysteryComma
- recursionMysteryDivMod
- recursionMysteryMinus
- recursionMysteryPrintDigits
- removeEvens
- replaceAll
- reverseLines
- reverse
- sequence
- starString
- stutterStack
- sumOfSquares
- travel
- zigzag
searching (5)
sorting (6)
strings (30)
- addCommas
- caesarCipher
- containsTwice
- convertToAltCaps
- countWords
- crazyCaps
- dnaErrors
- dracula
- isAllVowels
- isPalindrome
- isRotation
- isVowel
- marshallMathers
- nameDiamond
- nameGame
- printBackward
- removeAll
- removeDuplicates
- repeat
- replaceAll
- reverse
- reverseChunks
- reverseWordOrder
- sameDashes
- startEndLetter
- stringMysteryAB
- stutter
- swapPairsInPlace
- switchPairs
- wordCount
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