Main Page → Exercises → JavaScript
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JavaScript (285)
- Introductory programming practice with the JavaScript language.
algorithms (17)
- These are miscellaneous problems involving various concepts and algorithms. These are intentionally not categorized by concepts (such as array, string, list, tree, recursion, etc.) so that you must consider for yourself the best way to solve the problem. This category might be useful when studying for a coding interview.
- baggageColors
- baggageColors2
- binaryBoarding
- binaryBoarding2
- largestNumber
- matchPattern
- passports
- passports2
- sumCubes
- sumOf2020
- sum3Of2020
- surveys
- surveys2
- toboggan
- toboggan2
- validPasswords
- validPasswords2
arrays (59)
- 2DArrayMystery1
- addStars
- arrayMystery1
- arrayMystery2
- arrayMystery3
- arrayMystery4
- arrayMystery5
- arrayMystery6
- arrayMystery7
- arrayMystery8
- arrayMystery9
- arrayMystery10
- arrayMystery11
- arrayMystery12
- arrayMystery13
- average
- banish
- collapse
- contains
- containsSumSequence
- countDuplicates
- countInRange
- countUnique
- cumulative
- declareArray
- evenAverage
- findMedian
- findMin
- findRange
- getPercentEven
- hasMirrorTwice
- indexOf
- intersect
- isKeithNumber
- isMagicSquare
- longestSortedSequence
- longestWord
- maxValue
- minAndMax
- mirror
- nCopies
- nextPermutation
- reverseFirstK
- removeAll
- removeBadPairs
- removeConsecutiveDuplicates
- removeEvenLength
- removePalindromes
- removeRange
- repeat
- sieve
- sorted
- sortThree
- split
- squaredArray
- stretch
- stutter
- switchPairs
asynchronous programming (2)
- Practice using JavaScript's asynchronous features including callbacks, promises, and async/await.
- promiseMistakes
- setTimeoutOutput
programming basics (32)
- calculateLine
- clientVsServer
- commentary
- commentSyntax
- escapeRoom
- FearTheTree
- fixErrors1
- fixErrors2
- fixErrors3
- flashySlashes
- functionHeaderSyntax
- functionMystery1
- functionMystery2
- functionMystery3
- helloWorld
- inchesToCentimeters
- javaScriptClub
- javaScriptDataTypes
- minMax
- numberSquare
- numberTypes
- partyOfThree
- printProgram
- printRockets
- printTriangle
- respectTheCurl
- sandslash
- scriptTags
- theDOM
- theJSLanguage
- usingJavaScript
- veryBestSong
classes (2)
events (11)
expressions (8)
if else (2)
loops (29)
- computeSumOfDigits
- countdown
- countingByTwo
- fibonacci
- fizzBuzz
- flipCoinThreeHeads
- loopMystery1
- loopMystery2
- loopMystery3
- loopMystery4
- loopMystery5
- loopMystery6
- loopMystery7
- loopMystery8
- loopMystery9
- loopMystery10
- loopMystery11
- loopMystery12
- nthDigit
- numberLoops1
- numberLoops2
- numberLoops3
- numberSquare
- printTriangle
- rangeOfNumbers
- rollTwoDice
- slantedNumbers
- sqrt
- starsPrint
objects (15)
parameters and return (41)
- averageOf3
- binaryToDecimal
- bmi
- boxOfStars
- circleArea
- coinFlip
- countDigits
- countUnique
- daysInMonth
- decimalToBinary
- factorCount
- factorial
- getDisplacement
- getFirstDigit
- getLastDigit
- investment
- isMultiple
- isPrimeNumber
- parameterMystery10
- parameterMystery11
- parameterMystery12
- parameterMystery13
- parameterMystery14
- parameterMystery15
- parameterMystery1
- parameterMystery2
- parameterMystery3
- parameterMystery4
- parameterMystery5
- parameterMystery6
- parameterMystery7
- parameterMystery8
- parameterMystery9
- printPay
- randomWalk
- showTwos
- sumOfDigits
- sumOfRange
- sumUpTo
- threeConsecutive
- triangle
recursion (35)
- collapseSequences
- countToBy
- digitsSorted
- digitSum
- editDistance
- evenDigits
- exponent
- factorial
- hanoi
- hashString
- indexOf
- isPalindrome
- isSubsequence
- matchCount
- mergeDigitPairs
- mirrorSequence
- moveToEnd
- nonMatching
- printBinary
- printRange
- printStars
- recursionMystery1
- recursionMystery2
- recursionMystery3
- recursionMystery4
- recursionMystery5
- repeatString
- replaceAll
- reverse
- sequence
- starString
- sumOfSquares
- sumUpTo
- travel
- zigzag
strings (32)
- addCommas
- anagrams
- compressString
- containsTwice
- convertToAltCaps
- countWords
- crazyCaps
- dnaErrors
- hexToRGBColor
- isAllVowels
- isPalindrome
- isPangram
- isPerfectPangram
- isPermutation
- isVowel
- longestUniqueString
- marshallMathers
- nameDiamond
- printBackward
- removeAll
- removeDuplicates
- repeat
- reverse
- reverseChunks
- rgbToHexColor
- romanNumeralToInteger
- sameDashes
- stutter
- swapPairs
- toNumberWords
- toRomanNumeral
- vowelCount
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