Main Page → Exercises → Visual Basic
Click a category below to view its available exercises.
Visual Basic (213)
- Programming practice with the Visual Basic .NET programming language.
collections (20)
list (19)
dictionary (1)
console output (16)
DrawingPanel (1)
- Graphical programming using the DrawingPanel library written by Marty Stepp and Allison Obourn.
- MickeyBox
expressions (16)
file IO (22)
graphics (1)
- Graphical programming using Bitmap and Graphics from System.Drawing.
- MickeyBox
if else (13)
loops (23)
- ArmstrongNumbers
- BiggestAndSmallest
- Book
- Book2
- ComputeSumOfDigits
- FibonacciSequence
- FizzBuzz
- FloydsTriangle
- LoopMysteryExam1
- LoopMysteryExam3
- LoopMysteryExam5
- LoopMysteryPrint1
- NumberLoops1
- NumberLoops2
- NumberLoops3
- NumberSquare
- RangeOfNumbers
- Rocket
- Rocket2
- SentinelSum
- SpaceNeedle
- SpaceNeedle2
- StarsPrint
parameters (37)
- AverageOf3
- BinaryToDecimal
- Birthday
- BoxOfStars
- CircleArea
- ComputeDistance
- CountDigits
- CountUnique
- DaysInMonth
- DecimalToBinary
- FactorCount
- Factorial
- FitnessGoal
- GetFirstDigit
- GetLastDigit
- Grades
- Investment
- IsMultiple
- IsPrimeNumber
- ParameterMystery1
- ParameterMysteryExam1
- ParameterMysteryExam2
- ParameterMysteryExam3
- ParameterMysteryExam4
- ParameterMysteryExam5
- ParameterMysteryExam6
- ParameterMysterySection1
- ParameterMysterySection2
- PrintPay
- Projectile
- ReturnMystery1
- ShowTwos
- SumOfDigits
- SumOfRange
- ThreeConsecutive
- Triangle
recursion (38)
- CollapseSequences
- CountToBy
- Crawl
- DigitsSorted
- DigitSum
- EditDistance
- EvenDigits
- Factorial
- Hanoi
- HashString
- IndexOf
- IsPalindrome
- IsSubsequence
- MatchCount
- MergeDigitPairs
- MirrorSequence
- MoveToEnd
- Mystery1
- NonMatching
- NumberSequence
- Power
- PrintBinary
- PrintRange
- PrintStars
- RecursionMystery1
- RecursionMystery2
- RecursionMystery3
- RemoveOddDigits
- RepeatString
- ReplaceAll
- Reverse
- ReverseLines
- Sequence
- StarString
- SumOfSquares
- SumUpTo
- Travel
- Zigzag
strings (26)
- AddCommas
- CaesarCipher
- ContainsTwice
- ConvertToAltCaps
- CountWords
- CrazyCaps
- DnaErrors
- Dracula
- IsAllVowels
- IsPalindrome
- IsRotation
- IsVowel
- MarshallMathers
- NameDiamond
- NameGame
- PrintBackward
- RemoveAll
- RemoveDuplicates
- Repeat
- Reverse
- ReverseChunks
- ReverseWordOrder
- StartEndLetter
- Stutter
- SwitchPairs
- WordCount
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