Main Page → Exercises → Java
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Java (690)
- Programming practice in Java at a CS1 and CS2 (first and second-course) introductory level.
algorithms (44)
- These are miscellaneous problems involving various concepts and algorithms. These are intentionally not categorized by concepts (such as array, string, list, tree, recursion, etc.) so that you must consider for yourself the best way to solve the problem. This category might be useful when studying for a coding interview.
- baggageColors
- baggageColors2
- binaryBoarding
- binaryBoarding2
- bootCode
- bootCode2
- checkSum25
- checkSum252
- compressString
- conwayCubes
- dockingMemoryData
- dockingMemoryData2
- gameOfFlights
- gameOfFlights2
- HitCounter
- isPermutation
- joltageAdapters
- joltageAdapters2
- largestNumber
- longestUniqueString
- matchPattern
- memoryNumberGame
- memoryNumberGame2
- minSubrange
- nextPermutation
- passports
- passports2
- rainRisk
- rainRisk2
- shuttleSearch
- shuttleSearch2
- sortThree
- sumCubes
- sumOf2020
- sum3Of2020
- surveys
- surveys2
- threeSum
- ticketValidation
- ticketValidation2
- toboggan
- toboggan2
- validPasswords
- validPasswords2
arrays (65)
multi-dimensional arrays (14)
- Exercises involving 2D arrays and image pixels.
- array2dMystery
- array2dMystery2
- array2dMystery3
- array2dMystery4
- countIslands
- flatten
- gameOfLife
- isUnique
- kthSmallest
- matrixSum
- spiral
- unflatten
- xRegions
- zeroRowCol
- arrayMystery
- arrayMystery2
- arrayMystery3
- arrayMysteryExam2
- arrayMysteryExam4
- arrayMysteryExam5
- arrayMysteryExam6
- arrayReferenceMystery
- banish
- collapse
- collapsePairs
- computeAverage
- contains
- copyRange
- countDuplicates
- countUnique
- equals
- evenBeforeOdd
- findMedian
- findRange
- firstMissingPositive
- getPercentEven
- hasMirrorTwice
- indexOf
- isMonotonic
- kMostFrequent
- largestRectangleArea
- longestSortedSequence
- maxValue
- mostWater
- mystery1
- mystery2
- nCopies
- numUnique
- productOfOthers
- PromptNumbers
- PromptNumbers2
- referenceMystery1
- referenceMystery2
- referenceMystery3
- referenceMystery4
- referenceMystery5
- removePalindromes
- reverse
- reverseFirstK
- secondIndexOf
- Sieve
- sorted
- split
- squaredArray
- swapAll
- switchPairs
backtracking (41)
- canBalance
- canInterleave
- canJump
- canMakeSum
- canPack
- combin
- countBinary
- countDecimal
- crack
- decodeMessage
- deleteAndEarn
- diceRolls
- diceSum
- divide
- increasingSubsequences
- isElementSpellable
- isMeasurable
- knapsack
- largestSum
- listTwiddles
- longestCommonSubsequence
- longestRepeatedSubsequence
- makeChange
- maxSum
- numberPuzzle
- partitionable
- permute
- phoneWords
- printAllBinary
- printAllDecimal
- printSquares
- rodCutting
- solve
- solveQueens
- squishWord
- subsets
- threeSum
- travel
- validIpAddresses
- waysToAverage
- waysToClimb
- weave
bigoh (11)
classes and objects (13)
collections (99)
- Using pre-existing collections from the java.util collection framework.
ArrayList (39)
- acronymFor
- addStars
- arrayListMystery1
- arrayListMystery2
- arrayListMystery3
- arrayListMystery4
- arrayListMystery5
- arrayListMystery6
- arrayListMystery7
- arrayListMysteryInsert
- arrayListMysteryRemove
- collectionMystery1
- collectionMystery4
- countInRange
- cumulative
- deleteDuplicates
- findKeithNumbers
- Histogram
- indexOfAll
- insertInterval
- intersect
- isKeithNumber
- kCopies
- mean
- mergeIntervals
- mirror
- mystery1
- removeAll
- removeBadPairs
- removeConsecutiveDuplicates
- removeEvenLength
- removeRange
- repeat
- reverse3
- stretch
- summaryRanges
- switchPairs
- twice
- UniqueNames
- WordCount
Stack and Queue (16)
List (2)
- These problems involve the List interface, which can refer to a linked list or array list.
- removeEvens
- stutter
Set (11)
Map (31)
- biggestFamily
- byAge
- collectionMystery1
- collectionMystery2
- collectionMystery3
- collectionMystery4
- collectionMystery5
- CountNames
- counts
- FlightPlanner
- friendList
- getMajorityLastName
- hasDuplicateValue
- hasThree
- intersect
- isSubMap
- lastNamesByAge
- leastCommon
- mapMystery
- mapMystery2
- maxOccurrences
- pairFrequencies
- postalService
- rarest
- rarestAge
- reverse
- split
- starters
- teacher
- toMorseCode
- wordChain
collection implementation (82)
- Implementing our own collections from scratch.
ArrayIntList (5)
- Implementing our own version of Java's ArrayList that stores only integers for simplicity.
- arrayIntListMystery1
- add
- indexOf
- remove
- stutter
binary trees (27)
hashing (8)
linked lists (42)
generic (3)
- Linked lists that use generics, AKA type parameterization.
- countDuplicates
- count
- removeAll
- countDuplicates
- deleteBack
- doubleList
- equals
- evenSum
- hasTwoConsecutive
- indexOf
- isSorted
- kthFromLast
- lastIndexOf
- middle
- min
- nodes5
- nodes6
- nodes7
- nodes8
- nodes9
- nodes10
- nodes11
- nodes12
- nodes13
- nodes14
- nodes15
- nodes16
- nodes17
- removeAll
- removeDuplicates
- removeEvens
- removeRange
- reverse
- rotate
- set
- shift
- split
- stutter
- switchPairs
- takeSmallerFrom
- toString
- transferFrom
console output (20)
critters (13)
DrawingPanel (10)
- Practice using the DrawingPanel library created by Reges/Stepp.
- Face
- SmileyFace
- PrettyPicture
- circleLoops
- Spiral
- pumpkinPie
- zoomIn
- Circles
- CafeWall
- Projectile2
dynamic programming (16)
expressions (18)
- digitExpressions
- displacement
- expressionsExam1
- expressionsExam2
- expressionsExam3
- expressionsExam4
- expressionsExam5
- expressionsExam6
- expressionsNumbers1
- expressionsNumbers2
- expressionsNumbers3
- expressionsNumbers4
- expressionsNumbers37
- expressionsStrings1
- expressionsStrings2
- printMaxMin
- timesOperator
- valuesOfABC
- valuesOfIJK
- variableSyntax
file IO (28)
- askFileName
- averageValueInFile
- checkDates
- classPresidents
- coinFlip
- coolest
- Election
- flipAndReverseLines
- flipCoins
- flipLines
- frequentFlier
- Hours
- hoursWorked
- inputStats
- leetSpeak
- mostCommon
- negativeSum
- pigLatin2
- pigLatin
- printBox
- printMostCommonName
- removeDuplicatesFromFile
- reverseChunksInFile
- runningSum
- Weather
- WordCountOops
- wordStats
- wordStatsPlus
if else (19)
inheritance (7)
loops (42)
- AsciiFigure
- armstrongNumbers
- BiggestAndSmallest
- bottlesOfRootBeer
- ComputeSumOfDigits
- FibonacciConstant
- FibonacciSequence
- FizzBuzz
- floydsTriangle
- GuessingGame
- Guess2D
- loopMysteryExam1
- loopMysteryExam3
- loopMysteryExam5
- loopMysteryExam10
- loopMysteryPrint1
- loopTable
- nestedStarsOutput
- nthDigit
- numberLoops1
- numberLoops2
- numberLoops3
- numberLoops4constant
- NumberSquare
- OddStuff
- ProcessName
- ProcessName2
- RangeOfNumbers
- SentinelSum
- sequenceOfNumbers
- sequenceOfStars
- sqrt
- starsPrint
- tableOutput
- variableScope
- whileLoopBasics
- RollTwoDice
- Piglet
- Rocket
- Rocket2
- SpaceNeedle
- SpaceNeedle2
- Book
- Book2
parameters and return (47)
- averageOf3
- binaryToDecimal
- Birthday
- boxOfStars
- circleArea
- coinFlip
- computeDistance
- countDigits
- daysInMonth
- decimalToBinary
- factorCount
- factorial
- fitnessGoal
- getDaysInMonth
- getFirstDigit
- getLastDigit
- Grades
- Hogwarts
- Investment
- isMultiple
- isPrimeNumber
- MysteryGhost
- OneTwoThree
- ParameterMystery1
- ParameterMysteryClaim
- ParameterMysteryExam1
- ParameterMysteryExam2
- ParameterMysteryExam3
- ParameterMysteryExam4
- ParameterMysteryExam5
- ParameterMysteryExam6
- ParameterMysterySection1
- ParameterMysterySection2
- playRoulette
- printPay
- Projectile
- randomExpressions
- randomOver
- randomWalk
- ReturnMystery1
- Roulette
- showTwos
- sumOfDigits
- sumOfRange
- threeConsecutive
- triangle
recursion (57)
- collapseSequences
- countToBy
- crawl
- digitsSorted
- digitSum
- editDistance
- escapeMaze
- evenDigits
- factorial
- hanoi
- hashString
- indexOf
- isPalindrome
- isSubsequence
- matchCount
- mergeDigitPairs
- mirrorSequence
- moveToEnd
- mystery1
- nonMatching
- numberSequence
- power
- printBinary
- printRange
- printStars
- recursionMystery1
- recursionMystery1X
- recursionMystery2
- recursionMystery2X
- recursionMystery3
- recursionMystery4
- recursionMystery5
- recursionMystery6
- recursionMystery7
- recursionMystery8
- recursionMystery9
- recursionMystery10
- recursionMystery11
- recursionMystery348
- recursionMystery648
- recursionMysteryComma
- recursionMysteryDivMod
- recursionMysteryMinus
- recursionMysteryPrintDigits
- repeatString
- replaceAll
- reverse
- reverseLines
- sequence
- starString
- stutterStack
- substring
- sumOfSquares
- sumUpTo
- travel
- waysToClimb
- zigzag
searching (8)
sorting (11)
strings (39)
- addBinary
- addCommas
- addNumeric
- CaesarCipher
- canMakePalindrome
- containsTwice
- convertToAltCaps
- countWords
- crazyCaps
- dnaErrors
- dracula
- isAllVowels
- isPalindrome
- isRotation
- isVowel
- justifyText
- marshallMathers
- multiplyNumeric
- nameDiamond
- NameGame
- printBackward
- removeAll
- removeDuplicates
- repeat
- reverse
- reverseChunks
- reverseWordOrder
- romanNumeralToInteger
- rowColumnConvert
- sameDashes
- startEndLetter
- StringOops
- stutter
- swapPairs
- switchPairs
- toNumberWords
- toRomanNumeral
- wordCount
- zigzagConvert
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